
FunE is a discontinued desktop app coded entirely in Python. It's job was to detect games on a user's PC and allow them to launch all the games from within FunE. The idea came from my friend Splefer, and he helped me to design the logo and was assisting in the creation of a better UI. Unfortunately, the project became abandoned upon the discovery of another app which achieved the same thing, and difficulties with making the app in Python. If it was still being made, future plans would include reorganizing the code into multiple files as well as moving away from dearpygui towards Reflex.


PixelArtHelper is a mod coded in C# with .Net for the popular game Terraria. It purpose is to give players and easier means of making in-game PixelArtHelper using items from the game. This is achieved by taking an image as input, scaling it to the desired size, then comparing each of the pixels to determine which in-game tile best matches the color of the pixel.

Heart Attack

Similar to PixelArtHelper, Heart Attack is also a mod made for Terraria. It communicates with the Health Data Server Apple Watch app through a web-socket and uses the supplied heartrate to interact with the game. More specifically, if the heartrate exceeds and threshold which can be changed by the user, the mod will kill the player. It comes with configuration options which give the player a desirable experience. (As desirable as it can be)


Calamidle is a wordle like game inspired by a similar game by the name Terradle. Created using Svelte, Tailwind, and Typescript, it involves guessing weapons from the largest Terraria mod, Calamity, to try and find the correct one. It compares the stats of the guessed weapon with the correct one and tells the player if the values are correct or not. It allows provides the user with three hints, which are individually unlocked after a certain number of guesses. The game can be found here: Calamidle

A Past Present

A game made in The Unity Game Engine for a school project. It is a top-down shooter inspired by Enter the Gungeon. All of it's code is written by me in C#. This project is around two years old, so some of the methods used are not the methods I would use now. The original game pitch can be found in the read me on the github.

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